ADIPS DEADLINE EXTENSION: Widely welcomed or Universally condemned? — ASN Events

ADIPS DEADLINE EXTENSION: Widely welcomed or Universally condemned? (#54)

Jeff R Flack 1
  1. St Anywhere that submits abstracts on time, Australia, Sydney, NSW, AUSTRALIA


As long as memory serves, the annual ADIPS ASM has had an Abstract Deadline [DDMMYYYY], and for each of those years, there has been a one week extension AFTER the expiry of that Deadline (1).


The aim of this study was to assess the impact of this decision on those who had already submitted their work inside the appointed original Deadline.


We randomly assessed ADIPS members by phone, social media, casual meeting on the street and email, and administered a one page faxable / scannable / ‘postable’ questionnaire designed to elicit the frustration caused and the perceived benefit (if any) of this bloody annoying recurrent occurrence (2).


Of 3 ADIPS members approached, 2 responses were blatantly unprintable (3). The third answered both questions (see Table 1). He/she was 50-60 +/- 5 years.


Table 1





Does the Abstract Deadline extension annoy you?         



Should those meeting the original Deadline be rewarded?



OTHER: [Free Text] The Deadline should ONLY be extended in instances of software glitches preventing making the original Deadline (& not for a week). If you have not written a ground-breaking Oral/Poster-worthy Abstract in 4 months – what is the chance you will do so in ONE WEEK?





This study found universal condemnation of the ADIPS Deadline extension practice. Any possible alternate conclusion would require a large scale RCT.


Acknowledgement Thanks to the respondent.


Word count – Who cares – we have missed the extended Deadline closing date – Pooh.

  1. 1. ADIPS ASM Website (Last Accessed Just Now).
  2. 2. Anecdotal Hearsay (Likely accurate).
  3. 3. Journal of Irreproducible Results 1921;1(1):1-497.